Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 16, 2011 HSMAI-South Florida Meeting Recap

“Table of Eight” – Our occasional column with comments about Chapter events.
(By HSMAInsider, Julie Wernick,

What a nice turn out for the Chapter’s luncheon meeting at the Renaissance Resort in Plantation for a presentation on Customer Service by Roberta Nedry, Founder & President of Hospitality Excellence. For the past twelve plus years, the company has been working with industry leaders on how to generate repeat, referral and additional business based on exceptional service. Ms. Nedry has more than 30 years of executive training and experience. Previously she served as the GM for the International Concierge Institute and the International School of Tourism for the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. Trained in Guest Relations through Walt Disney Productions, she was a two time Disney “Ambassador to the world” finalist. She writes an international business column on service excellence and guest service in the Hotel Business Review among many other publications. With all her activities, HSMAI-South Florida was fortuitous in being able to have the benefit of her expertise.

More on the presentation later

Do mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:

On Wednesday, April 13th, the Chapter’s luncheon meeting will be held in Fort Myers from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. The Topic is: Working with Your County and State DMO’s.
On Wednesday, April 27th, there will be a networker meeting and fashion show at Sawgrass Mills Mall, The Grand Luxe Café Patio, from 6 to 8 pm.

As always, there will be different things that people will remember from a presentation that may apply to their specific hotel/company. But here are a few key points from my notes.

Above all, making a good first impression (especially within the first 7 to 10 seconds) is the most important contact with a guest. These first contacts (by phone, in person, online, etc.) and how you are made to feel about them, stay with you longer than what is actually said during that contact. If you can create a memorable moment, you will deliver the best service and that will increase your revenues.

Even before you reach this point, you should set up some service standards to assure consistency. There are a number of key “impression points” that affect making the “good” first impression. These include: appearance (grooming), courtesy (consideration), voice tone (sincerity), language (no slang, no swearing, no acronyms), knowledge (knowing the info about your products and services establishes trust), ambiance (surroundings set the emotions), timeliness (acting quickly but accurately), attitude, and professionalism.

Remember, it takes 11 good impressions to overcome one bad impression.
As Oscar Wilde said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

I think everyone brought at least one really good idea back with them to their companies after the program. Thank you, again, Roberta.

PS Just a reminder to send in your industry news/updates for the “Around Town” column for the HSMAI-South Florida chapter’s blog, “Scoop”, to

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