Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Tourism Industry is Saying Thank You to our Military Personnel…

…by spreading the word about this Youtube video and passing it along. This isn’t political and the message will make more sense once you see it.

I got this message from Bud Nocera, former head of VISIT Florida. He says he: “received this link from Elaine McLaughlin today. Take two minutes and watch it. We all travel and we all have been in this situation where we have wanted to express our thanks to military men and women we see at the many airports we visit. For my Facebook friends in the tourism industry, let’s spread this far and wide. We can start a movement of expressing thanks and gratitude with this simple gesture.We can start with a movement of expressing thanks and gratitude with this simple gesture. How cool is that?”

So copy and paste the link below and view the video, “the gratitude campaign”. And you’ll want to pass it along….Best, Julie Wernick, HSMAInsider.

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