Tuesday, June 30, 2009

HSMAI-South Florida Chapter’s Newsletter Gets Great Response

By now, you’ve all received a copy of our latest HSMAI-South Florida Quarterly newsletter. We’ve gotten quite a number of positive comments from our members and readers. Thank you to Gabriele Gannaway, our VP of Communications, and the rest of her committee, including Sheryl Cattell, for compiling and producing the recent newsletter, along with our Chapter President Stacie Faulds.

To be included in a future edition, do make sure you send in your people changes, promotions, happenings, and the like. We also would like to get some suggestions for a name for our newsletter. Any ideas?

Here’s one of the letters we received in response to the content in our newsletter as sent to our HSMAI-South Florida Chapter President:

“Stacie, I am very proud of the accomplishments of the South Florida Chapter, and being designated as the best chapter in HSMAI.

I first joined an HSMA chapter in Miami Beach in 1956, and the organization, through its chapter and national and regional conferences, enabled me to begin getting a resounding education from my peers. I learned the basics and the true meaning of being a hotel sales executive. I went on to enjoy a good career in our industry, and am still acting as a consultant to hotel owners and chains today.
The work you are doing leads to wonderful things for your members, who see the value in taking your programs seriously.

Congratulations, and from one old timer, thank you for your leadership.

Sincerely, Sig Front

What a wonderful letter! Thank you Sig.
See everyone at the July 22nd lunch meeting at the W Hotel.
Don’t forget to reserve online as soon as you can. Best, Julie Wernick, HSMAInsider.

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