Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb 13: Romantic Vacations

With Valentine’s Day tomorrow, we are being inundated with ads for flowers, candy, and candlelit dinners. The jewelry stores have stepped up their push for that special gift. We’re all busy trying to find that “just right” sentimental hallmark card.

Now I’m a big one for travel, in general, as well as for an occasion. You’ll find me somewhere almost every holiday weekend and I’ll go most anywhere at the drop of a hat. But for some reason, I’ve never put travel together with Valentine’s Day.
I’m usually ensconced at some favorite (or new) upscale restaurant having an overpriced “romantic” meal. And after all these years together, I still get sent flowers and we still exchange cards.

I should say that I also am a big fan of “playing tourist at home”. Every year at our HSMAI Chapter’s fundraising auction, we make sure to bid on several local hotel stays. We’ve seen a lot of local hotels from a totally enjoyable but different perspective.

So why was I so pleased to read a recent article, “Rooms for Two” in the City & Shore magazine. The article featured boutique hotels offering “luxury and romance minus the crowds”.

What struck me most was the combination of romance and local hotels. The five places featured were: The Sundy House (Delray Beach), The Atlantic Resort (Fort Lauderdale) The Tides Hotel (Miami Beach), The Pillars (Fort Lauderdale), and the Brazilian Court (Palm Beach)

I just don’t think our industry does enough to push this segment of the market. Face it, guys; you’re usually not that creative. You need a push in the right direction when it comes to romance.

So hoteliers, come on now. Can’t you put some more packages together and build in some more advertising for the Valentine’s Day travel segment? May be in a few years, if we’re NOT staying in a hotel somewhere for this holiday it will be like not receiving flowers…Oh well, just a thought. What do you think?

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