Friday, September 21, 2007

Sept 21: Going green - the hottest trend?

You can’t pick up a newspaper or trade publication or attend a conference without hearing about conserving our planet’s resources known as "going green". At the recent Governor’s conference on tourism in a newly established award, seven Florida hotels were recognized for their efforts in this area.
If you’ve traveled lately, you know that most hotels are doing the basics – changing to energy-efficient appliances and long-life light bulbs, putting water restrictors on faucets, may be even washing linens only when requested, or reminding guests to turn off the lights and TV when leaving their rooms.
So I wondered what we’re doing locally to "go green". Are our members doing just the basics or have they been more innovative? Do you think this is a passing trend or something we’re in on for the long haul? Love to hear from you…

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